Freelance Content Writer, Award Winning Writer
Since writing is my passion, I have taken up freelancing as a full time job now and am adept in all kinds of English be it UK, U.S. or Australian. I have been into content writing along with technical writing and ghost writing, for quite some time now. Currently I am writing for various internet marketing agencies, websites alike and as an academic writer. In addition to all this I am also writing for some e-magazines. My expertise includes topical subjects like that of solar energy (products as well), real estate, beauty, jewelry, watches, travel, crafts, crypto, dating, and relationships to name a few of the most written genres.
I have been promoted to the position of an Editor by 2010 and am serving an organization named Content4Business as its Chief Editor (2011). This has turned me into a complete Content Manager as well as I am managing small teams of writers along with their work for this organization only. It certainly does not weigh down my work as a writer as this is for strictly reserved for this organization. All of this is done virtually as of now and I enjoy the challenges of maintaining virtual teams by all means.
In addition to this I have also joined a few renowned publication houses as an Editor/Writer. So, I ghost write novels and novellas (primarily e-books) additionally these days as well.
Samples could be sent on request.
- Spoken & Written Communication – As a Post Graduate in English, I have been exposed to communicating and expressing oneself through English. I believe that I have the proficiency to be a top notch professional in the Business Services sector.
- Operating Systems – Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10, Finacle, Citrix, CRM.
- Packages – Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc)
- Internet – Internet & Email savvy with fast typing speed
- Attitude – Go-getter attitude who can independently work on her own in problematic, unclear situations